Cannabis for Weight Management – Food for Thought?

Let’s talk about cannabis for weight loss. Believe it or not, at our recreational dispensary in Wellfleet MA we have just the thing. Some people may search out the best cannabis strains for weight loss while others may search for cannabis oil for weight loss. Within the myriad of cannabinoids discovered, people have learned that each individual cannabinoid seems to have a very unique and specific function and benefit when consumed. For instance, THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) acts as an appetite suppressant and an energy booster making it a main contributor in cannabis for weight loss. THCV can also be isolated in cannabis oil for weight loss and even infused into an easy-to-take gummy. At our Wellfleet, MA dispensary, we have several products that utilize THCV cannabis and THCV cannabis oil for weight loss. Our staff will be happy to point you in the right direction! 

Additionally there are some great smokable herbs that would be considered the best cannabis strains for weight loss. While there are a number of herbs that could be considered the best cannabis strains for weight loss, each one may affect you differently, so we like to more broadly recommend Sativa cannabis strains and then guide you more individually as to which specific one will best suit your needs. The energy boost and stimulating properties of sativas and high-THC buds make these the best strains for cannabis weight loss. We don’t want to call this a weight loss drug, or a miracle cure, but it would seem that THCV and Sativa strains tend to have properties that aid in weight loss practices based on customer experiences and market research.

It has been well known for a long time that exposure to cannabis produces an increase of appetite (a phenomenon referred to as the ‘munchies’). This phenomenon led to an exploration of the role of the endocannabinoid system in the regulation of the metabolic system. This effort subsequently led to the development of a successful therapeutic approach for weight management that consisted of blocking the cannabinoid CB1 receptors using ligands (binding ions/molecules) in order to produce weight loss and improve metabolic profile [2]. The uniquely diverse properties of THCV provide neuroprotection, appetite suppression, glycemic control, etc.; therefore, making it a potential priority candidate for the development of clinically useful therapies in the future.


Le Foll, B., Trigo, J. M., Sharkey, K. A., & Le Strat, Y. (2013). Cannabis and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) for weight loss?. Medical hypotheses, 80(5), 564–567.

Abioye, A., Ayodele, O., Marinkovic, A., Patidar, R., Akinwekomi, A., & Sanyaolu, A. (2020). Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV): a commentary on potential therapeutic benefits for the management of obesity and diabetes. Journal of cannabis research, 2(1), 6. – THCV

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