Mar 31, 2021

New Marijuana Business Hatching in Truro | The Provincetown Independent

TRURO — The owners of two planned cannabis retail shops, the Piping Plover in Wellfleet and the Salty Farmers in Eastham, are negotiating a community host agreement to grow and manufacture marijuana products at 1 Noons Heights Road in North Truro.

The business owners are Zachary Ment, founder of the Piping Plover at 10 Main St. in Wellfleet, and Harlen Howard of Truro and Jonah Turner of Eastham, who are co-owners of Salty Farmers, which will have a retail shop at 182 Brackett Road (near Sam’s Deli) and a 2,000-square-foot indoor grow facility at 120 Holmes Road in Eastham.

Source: New Marijuana Business Hatching in Truro | The Provincetown Independent

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